Kristian Mancinone
Senior officer
Social innovation
Kristian Mancinone holds a Master in Economics and Management of Social Economy Organizations. Passionate about social and civic innovations, he applies design thinking and human-centered design to social innovations co-creation processes. He has worked as a project manager on the development of regional policies and ecosystems to exploit the potential of social innovation within the Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) in Emilia-Romagna. He has been involved in Responsible Research and Innovation projects dealing with public engagement and societal impact of research and innovation ecosystems; RRI is seen as a framework to enable research and innovation centers, competencies and laboratories to work on societal challenges. He has been involved in activity related to education and training of students and researchers and in social startup development. As a researcher at the University of Bologna he published articles on topics related to Social Economy and cooperative movement development Kristian joined ICONS in 2024 as a social innovation senior officer working on social engagement strategies, development of KPIs and monitoring and assessment of engagement activities in EU-funded projects.