We define social innovation strategies tailored to the specific social contexts of research.
Societal challenges call for innovation. Yet innovation cannot take place without engaging and talking with people.
The co-design and co-creation of research together with end-users helps shape innovation based on real needs and foster social acceptance as a prerequisite for innovation and progress.
The understanding of social impacts of research on society and the development of engagement-supporting methods and tools are a key success factor for social innovation.
We guide and support researchers and innovators in the implementation of these strategies.
«Innovation survives only when people believe in their own ideas»
Levo League
What we do
Social Innovation Strategies
We assist researchers in the development of their social innovation strategies:
- Social innovation frameworks and plans
- Co-design and co-creation strategies
- Social requirements and analysis
Social Impacts
We help researchers to understand the social impact of their research on society:
- Social impact models
- Social assessment models
- Social indicators and KPIs
Engagement Methods and Tools
We provide researchers with engagement-supporting methods and tools:
- Stakeholder mapping and analysis
- Stakeholder engagement strategies
- Co-creation and participatory workshops
- Call-to-action materials (e.g. videos, social media campaigns, etc)
Explore the other areas
Relying on a strong know-how in multidisciplinary research and innovation fields, we transfer results and leading-edge innovation to society, through an integrated process that leverages on effective and focussed strategies developed in three areas