Empowering people, talents and skills


Human capital and intangible assets are our driving forces. The enhancement of personal attitudes, skills and expertise of our team is the primary scope of the organisation.

Unlocking the potential of the people working with us is worth every effort – it makes the organisation successful and its operations sustainable.

Our financial assets empower our mission and are used to design growth pathways for everyone in our workforce.

This mission inspires our daily operations, to make ICONS a place where people can grow and achieve their professional goals.

«A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business»


Our values


We believe in the uniqueness of our ideas, in their strength and in the change they can bring. Autonomy and freedom of expression are the founding pillars of ICONS.

Centrality of people

We believe in the potential of the individual, in the difference everyone can make. We look for talent in every single person and support change. The growth of one is the growth of all.


Innovation is the growth engine of ICONS. We encourage the acquisition of new skills, support the expression of ideas, and foster dialogue. We nurture ideas and creativity.


We engage in an open and continuous dialogue with employees and stakeholders, aware that sharing expectations, objectives and results is key to maximising value and reducing risk.


Aware of the importance of our projects, we act as bearers of social, economic and environmental responsibility, both within and outside our workplace.

Promoting development

We work to contribute to the advancement and well-being of people in society. Our aim is to generate positive, shared and lasting impacts.

Teamwork and collaboration

Our team spirit is our strength. We collaborate to build strong and lasting relationships through which we can express our potential and achieve our goals.