We support public funded projects, organisations and researchers in the valorisation of their achievements and their innovation.
Business innovation is about taking research results to the market, as new products and services, or to the scientific community for further research and development of innovative technologies.
Our experts have long-term experience in business consulting and strategic advisory to industries, SMEs, start-ups and the public sector across the EU.
«The value of an idea lies in the using of it»
Thomas Edison
What we do
Exploitation Plans
We define and build exploitation plans for research projects:
- Identification and analysis of Key Exploitable Results (KERs)
- IP and IPR assessment
- Alternative exploitation and sustainability routes
Market Uptake and Replication
We support market uptake strategies to create value from research results:
- Market analysis
- Business modeling
- Business planning
- Replication plans
- Business networks creation
- Stakeholders engagement
Consultancy Services
We provide advice to private businesses and public organisations to improve their business development strategies:
- Go-to-market strategies
- Review of business and communication processes
- Strategic consultancy
- Capacity building and training
Explore the other areas
Relying on a strong know-how in multidisciplinary research and innovation fields, we transfer results and leading-edge innovation to society, through an integrated process that leverages on effective and focussed strategies developed in three areas