About the project
REMOURBAN developed and validated – in three lighthouse cities – a sustainable urban regeneration model.
The aim is to leverage the convergence area of the energy, mobility and ICT sectors in order to accelerate the deployment of innovative technologies, organisational and economic solutions to significantly increase resource and energy efficiency, improve the sustainability of urban transport and drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions in urban areas. Three Lighthouse cities – Valladolid (ES), Nottingham (UK), Tepebasi (TR) and two fellow cities – Seraing (BE) and Miskolc (HU) – were involved in the project.
590,000 online users reached with an engagement rate of 3%.
Our role
We led the dissemination and communication activities.
ICONS played a key role in the development of Citizens’ Engagement strategies, social innovation modelling and analysis of social acceptance in the three Lighthouse cities, largely contributing to the set up of the Lighthouse Smart Cities projects’ cooperation framework.