New EFSA Plant health campaign strategy by ICONS now available

Press Release -

‘Keep plants healthy, protect life’ is the campaign message launched by EFSA, the European Commission (EC) and their partners in Member States of the European Union (EU) with the hashtag #PlantHealth4Life campaign. The campaign promotes awareness of plant health and its link with our everyday life. 

Commissioned by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the document produced by the ICONS team sets out the communication strategy for the three-year pan-European campaign, based on the recommendations of a preparatory analysis carried out by ICF. The #PlantHealth4Life campaign was launched in mid-23 to raise awareness about plant health.

The scientific report, Plant health campaign strategy, is a preparatory piece of work that collects and analyses evidence to inform the subsequent stages of the communication campaign on plant health risks. Starting with an overview of the current political, economic, social and technological situation with a focus on trade and plant health, it defines the main objectives, target audience and key messages of the campaign. The document consists of a Situational Analysis, a “From awareness to activation” campaign, a Stakeholder and partner mapping, and an Evaluation methodology.

The scientific report Plant health campaign strategy provided the basis for the development of #PlantHealth4Life, the multi-annual campaign, designed at the request of the EC and based on an in-depth analysis of perceptions and behaviors related to plant health across the EU.

‘Keep plants healthy, protect life’ is the message of the campaign launched by EFSA, the European Commission (EC) and their partners in Member States of the European Union (EU) under the hashtag #PlantHealth4Life campaign. The campaign promotes awareness of plant health and its link to our daily lives. 

The scientific report Plant health campaign strategy is available on the EFSA Journal.

For more information on the #PlantHealth4Life campaign, please visit