Press Release -

The gala ceremony of the .eu Web Awards 2023, a competition launched by EURid to reward the best .eu websites, took place on November 16th in Brussels. On this occasion, the POCITYF website, developed by ICONS, triumphed in the "Better World" category.

Since its inception in 2014, the .eu Web Awards has been a prominent online competition organised by EURid to recognise excellence among .eu and .ею websites. A distinguished committee of Europe’s leading web experts selects and evaluates each site, helping to raise the visibility of the many quality sites that dot the European landscape.

ICONS is proud to announce the success of the POCITYF website – https://pocityf.eu/,  created and managed by the organisation, in winning the .eu Awards 2023 in the “Better World” category. This special category is dedicated to websites representing green initiatives and environmentally friendly organisations.

This is the third time ICONS has come out on top in this prestigious award. In 2018, the organisation won with the FETFX information hub, which was recognised in the “Laurels” category, together with the STARDUST smart city project, which won in the “Better World” category.

“We are delighted that ICONS has once again been awarded the prestigious .eu web award thanks to the work done on the POCITYF website. This recognition stands as a testament to our collective dedication, hard work, and commitment to excellence”, said Charlotte Michi, director at ICONS. “This award, coming five years after winning two .eu web awards, reflects our commitment to bringing European research and innovation closer to the public. It confirms that we are on the right track and encourages us to continue to raise the bar in everything we do”.


*photo curtesy: the EURid team