ICONS presents the event EU’s zero pollution ambition Best practice in science communication
Press Release -
As part of the partner events of the EU Green Week 2021, a panel discussion will investigate how good communication can boost the European zero pollution ambition.
The panel discussion EU’s zero pollution ambition – Best practice in science communication by ICONS, leading organisation in science communication, social and business innovation, will be held the 8th June at 11 am as part of the EU Green Week 2021. The event has the aim to explore how good communication can boost the European zero pollution action plan.
During the panel discussion, communication experts will show how to engage media, policy makers and citizens exploring best practices and case histories. Leveraging on good communication performed at different level and tailored according to the different target are indeed the key to support the strategy of the European Green Deal.
The panel discussion will cover the following topics:
- The media and communication on environmental pollution: Jacopo Pasotti, journalist and science communicator, will talk about media coverage related to environmental themes and how to create an effective storytelling interesting for the media;
- How communication can reach policymakers: Rach Colling, head of Communications at European Forest Institute, will show EFI’s experience in communicating science to policy makers and engaging with them in the process;
- Nudging energy saving behaviors – The eTEACHER case study: eTEACHER is a European funded project by Horizon 2020 that uses ICT solutions to encourage and enable behavior change of building users towards energy efficiency. Veronica Meneghello, project manager at ICONS will explore users’ engagement and behavioral change through the use of ICT tools.
The event will follow a social media campaign held form the 4th of May to the 4th of June under the EU Green Week. The initiative will involve 15 EU-funded projects from different research areas (bioeconomy, smart cities, green mobility, circular economy and energy). They will share their activities to commit to the zero pollution ambition.
For more information and to register to the event please visit: https://bit.ly/33PKD4v