Fondazione ICONS at Sinfonie d’Intenti
Past event
18 Oct 2019
In the Aula Magna of the Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana, Fondazione ICONS has the privilege of taking part in the Symposium Sinfonie d’Intenti – Passioni, visioni e progetti di mecenatismo musicale, a day of study on strategies and new paradigms of contemporary musical patronage.
The Symposium, promoted by Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana and organized by the Master of Advanced Studies in Cultural Management, aims to investigate the most effective techniques to conduct a successful relationship with a patron of music and proposes a new reflection on the major challenges that an ancient phenomenon like the patronage of music must is facing in the contemporary context.
In history, music has always represented a privileged field for patronage. An authentic patronage, guided by emotional structures aligned with the needs of musicians, composers, orchestras. In a very particular symphony, musical patronage is still today a form of arts philanthropy that preserves a powerful communion of intent between patron and beneficiary, but that moves towards innovative organizational models and increasingly attentive to the positive effects of investment for the communities of reference.
The aim of the day is to encourage the exploration of the present and open up to debate on opportunities for the future, so that music is and continues to be one of the most flourishing areas of contemporary patronage.